How to manage your studies



Time management is a powerful tool. It can be used not only to plan your activities throughout the day but also to make learning easier and more effective.

Teachers and various sources claim that to successfully learn a language, you need to study it for at least an hour a day. We all nod, and then we find ourselves on Sunday night in papers, texts, and exercises to catch up on the missed hours in one evening.

Quite frankly, not many people are consistently practicing, although an hour a day sounds like a trifle when compared to the time we spend on the way home from work, on youtube, and many other distractions (cats on the Internet).

Time management and a million online apps come to help with your training. Let’s go 🖤

How to plan training

Imagine that your teacher gave you the following assignments for the week:

  • Memorize 10 pages of text
  • Make 6 pages of exercises
  • Compose a monologue about the weather
  • Make a grammar table
  • Write a letter to a friend

When you receive exercises, you make an assessment and conclude that the most voluminous is the text. You start memorizing right away, and on the third page (suddenly) the motivation fades away and nothing else is remembered. Everything seems complicated and very voluminous. By Sunday you do the exercises, then remember the grammar task. You don’t finish the letter and the story, and this is what the teacher asks later in the lesson. As a result, you lose motivation. It would seem that yesterday you gave the whole evening to study, but you did not show knowledge at the lesson.

Breaking tasks into parts

  • Memorize 10 pages of text. Divide this assignment into five days, noting that you will learn two pages each day. No more, no less.
  • Monologue can be practiced the next day after you have learned all the sentences.
  • Make 6 pages of exercises. Break it down a page a day.
  • You can make a grammar on Saturday, when there is more free time, and ** write a letter to a friend** on Sunday.

The kanban board will help you plan your homework. It is a tool with To Do, In progress, and Done graphs for assignments. The board will allow you to track your progress and keep all tasks in one place.

Kanban board apps

Flow is a paid application from Tiny. In it, you can filter tasks by date of completion, by status, track how many days you spent on this or that educational project. Allows storing descriptions, links, and files inside tasks.

Trello is a kanban board that has a free version. It will be enough for making homework cards and following them.

Both applications have a web version and a mobile version.

Productive homework for you! 🖤